OpenLexocad  27.1
entt Namespace Reference


struct  as_alias_t
 Empty class type used to request the as alias policy. More...
struct  as_group
 Converts a registry to a group. More...
struct  as_is_t
 Empty class type used to request the as-is policy. More...
struct  as_view
 Converts a registry to a view. More...
struct  as_void_t
 Empty class type used to request the as void policy. More...
struct  basic_actor
 Dedicated to those who aren't confident with the entity-component-system architecture. More...
struct  basic_collector
 Collector. More...
struct  basic_collector< matcher< type_list< Reject... >, type_list< Require... >, Rule... >, Other... >
 Collector. More...
struct  basic_collector<>
 Collector. More...
class  basic_continuous_loader
 Utility class for continuous loading. More...
class  basic_group
 Group. More...
class  basic_group< Entity, exclude_t< Exclude... >, get_t< Get... > >
 Non-owning group. More...
class  basic_group< Entity, exclude_t< Exclude... >, get_t< Get... >, Owned... >
 Owning group. More...
class  basic_hashed_string
 Zero overhead unique identifier. More...
class  basic_observer
 Observer. More...
class  basic_registry
 Fast and reliable entity-component system. More...
class  basic_runtime_view
 Runtime view. More...
class  basic_snapshot
 Utility class to create snapshots from a registry. More...
class  basic_snapshot_loader
 Utility class to restore a snapshot as a whole. More...
class  basic_storage
 Basic storage implementation. More...
class  basic_storage< Entity, Type, std::enable_if_t< ENTT_ENABLE_ETO(Type)> >
 Basic storage implementation. More...
class  basic_view
 View. More...
class  basic_view< Entity, exclude_t< Exclude... >, Component... >
 Multi component view. More...
class  basic_view< Entity, exclude_t<>, Component >
 Single component view specialization. More...
struct  cache
 Simple cache for resources of a given type. More...
struct  choice_t
 Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions. More...
struct  choice_t< 0 >
 Utility class to disambiguate overloaded functions. More...
struct  connect_arg_t
 Used to wrap a function or a member of a specified type. More...
class  connection
 Connection class. More...
class  delegate
 Basic delegate implementation. More...
class  delegate< Ret(Args...)>
 Utility class to use to send around functions and members. More...
class  dispatcher
 Basic dispatcher implementation. More...
class  emitter
 General purpose event emitter. More...
struct  entt_traits
 Entity traits. More...
struct  entt_traits< std::uint16_t >
 Entity traits for a 16 bits entity identifier. More...
struct  entt_traits< std::uint32_t >
 Entity traits for a 32 bits entity identifier. More...
struct  entt_traits< std::uint64_t >
 Entity traits for a 64 bits entity identifier. More...
struct  exclude_t
 Alias for exclusion lists. More...
class  extended_meta_factory
 Extended meta factory to be used for reflection purposes. More...
class  family
 Dynamic identifier generator. More...
struct  get_t
 Alias for lists of observed components. More...
class  handle
 Shared resource handle. More...
class  identifier
 Types identifiers. More...
struct  identity
 Identity function object (waiting for C++20). More...
struct  insertion_sort
 Function object for performing insertion sort. More...
struct  is_equality_comparable
 Provides the member constant value to true if a given type is equality comparable, false otherwise. More...
struct  is_equality_comparable< Type, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< Type >()==std::declval< Type >())> >
 Provides the member constant value to true if a given type is equality comparable, false otherwise. More...
struct  is_named_type
 Provides the member constant value to true if a given type has a name. In all other cases, value is false. More...
struct  is_named_type< Type, std::void_t< named_type_traits_t< std::decay_t< Type > > > >
 Provides the member constant value to true if a given type has a name. In all other cases, value is false. More...
class  loader
 Base class for resource loaders. More...
struct  matcher
 Grouping matcher. More...
class  meta_any
 Opaque container for values of any type. More...
struct  meta_base
 Opaque container for meta base classes. More...
struct  meta_conv
 Opaque container for meta conversion functions. More...
struct  meta_ctor
 Opaque container for meta constructors. More...
struct  meta_ctx
 Opaque container for a meta context. More...
struct  meta_data
 Opaque container for meta data. More...
struct  meta_dtor
 Opaque container for meta destructors. More...
class  meta_factory
 A meta factory to be used for reflection purposes. More...
struct  meta_func
 Opaque container for meta functions. More...
class  meta_handle
 Opaque pointers to instances of any type. More...
struct  meta_prop
 Opaque container for meta properties of any type. More...
class  meta_type
 Opaque container for meta types. More...
struct  monostate
 Minimal implementation of the monostate pattern. More...
struct  named_type_traits
 Traits class used mainly to push things across boundaries. More...
struct  named_type_traits< const Type >
 Specialization used to get rid of constness. More...
struct  overloaded
 Helper type for visitors. More...
class  process
 Base class for processes. More...
struct  process_adaptor
 Adaptor for lambdas and functors to turn them into processes. More...
struct  radix_sort
 Function object for performing LSD radix sort. More...
class  scheduler
 Cooperative scheduler for processes. More...
struct  scoped_connection
 Scoped connection class. More...
struct  service_locator
 Service locator, nothing more. More...
class  sigh
 Unmanaged signal handler. More...
class  sigh< Ret(Args...)>
 Unmanaged signal handler. More...
class  sink
 Sink class. More...
class  sink< Ret(Args...)>
 Sink class. More...
class  sparse_set
 Basic sparse set implementation. More...
struct  std_sort
 Function object to wrap std::sort in a class type. More...
struct  storage
 Basic storage implementation. More...
struct  type_list
 A class to use to push around lists of types, nothing more. More...
struct  type_list_cat
 Primary template isn't defined on purpose. More...
struct  type_list_cat< type_list< Type... > >
 Concatenates multiple type lists. More...
struct  type_list_cat< type_list< Type... >, type_list< Other... >, List... >
 Concatenates multiple type lists. More...
struct  type_list_cat<>
 Concatenates multiple type lists. More...
struct  type_list_size
 Primary template isn't defined on purpose. More...
struct  type_list_size< type_list< Type... > >
 Compile-time number of elements in a type list. More...
struct  type_list_unique
 Primary template isn't defined on purpose. More...
struct  type_list_unique< type_list< Type, Other... > >
 Removes duplicates types from a type list. More...
struct  type_list_unique< type_list<> >
 Removes duplicates types from a type list. More...
struct  y_combinator
 Basic implementation of a y-combinator. More...


using hashed_string = basic_hashed_string< char >
 Aliases for common character types. More...
using hashed_wstring = basic_hashed_string< wchar_t >
 Aliases for common character types. More...
template<typename... List>
using type_list_cat_t = typename type_list_cat< List... >::type
 Helper type. More...
template<typename Type >
using type_list_unique_t = typename type_list_unique< Type >::type
 Helper type. More...
template<typename Type >
using named_type_traits_t = typename named_type_traits< Type >::type
 Helper type. More...
using registry = basic_registry< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
using observer = basic_observer< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
using actor = basic_actor< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
using snapshot = basic_snapshot< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
using snapshot_loader = basic_snapshot_loader< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
using continuous_loader = basic_continuous_loader< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
template<typename... Types>
using view = basic_view< entity, Types... >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
using runtime_view = basic_runtime_view< entity >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
template<typename... Types>
using group = basic_group< entity, Types... >
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
template<ENTT_ID_TYPE Value>
using tag = std::integral_constant< ENTT_ID_TYPE, Value >
 Alias template to ease the assignment of tags to entities. More...


template<typename Type , typename Class >
constexpr auto overload (Type Class::*member) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded member functions. More...
template<typename Type >
constexpr auto overload (Type *func) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded functions. More...
template<class... Type>
 overloaded (Type...) -> overloaded< Type... >
 Deduction guide. More...
template<typename Char , std::size_t N>
 basic_hashed_string (const Char(&str)[N]) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> basic_hashed_string< Char >
 Deduction guide. More...
template<typename Char >
constexpr bool operator!= (const basic_hashed_string< Char > &lhs, const basic_hashed_string< Char > &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Compares two hashed strings. More...
template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
bool operator!= (const delegate< Ret(Args...)> &lhs, const delegate< Ret(Args...)> &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Compares the contents of two delegates. More...
template<auto Function>
 delegate (connect_arg_t< Function >) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate< std::remove_pointer_t< internal::to_function_pointer_t< decltype(Function)>>>
 Deduction guide. More...
template<auto Candidate, typename Type >
 delegate (connect_arg_t< Candidate >, Type &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate< std::remove_pointer_t< internal::to_function_pointer_t< decltype(Candidate), Type * >>>
 Deduction guide. More...
template<auto Candidate, typename Type >
 delegate (connect_arg_t< Candidate >, Type *) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> delegate< std::remove_pointer_t< internal::to_function_pointer_t< decltype(Candidate), Type * >>>
 Deduction guide. More...
template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
 sink (sigh< Ret(Args...)> &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> sink< Ret(Args...)>
 Deduction guide. More...
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
 Alias declaration for the most common use case. More...
template<typename Entity >
 as_view (basic_registry< Entity > &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view< false, Entity >
 Deduction guide. More...
template<typename Entity >
 as_view (const basic_registry< Entity > &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_view< true, Entity >
 Deduction guide. More...
template<typename Entity >
 as_group (basic_registry< Entity > &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group< false, Entity >
 Deduction guide. More...
template<typename Entity >
 as_group (const basic_registry< Entity > &) ENTT_NOEXCEPT -> as_group< true, Entity >
 Deduction guide. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_any &lhs, const meta_any &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two containers differ in their content. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_prop &lhs, const meta_prop &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_base &lhs, const meta_base &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_conv &lhs, const meta_conv &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_ctor &lhs, const meta_ctor &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_dtor &lhs, const meta_dtor &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_data &lhs, const meta_data &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_func &lhs, const meta_func &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
bool operator!= (const meta_type &lhs, const meta_type &rhs) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node. More...
template<typename Type >
meta_factory< Type > meta () ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Utility function to use for reflection. More...
template<typename Type >
meta_type resolve () ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Returns the meta type associated with a given type. More...
meta_type resolve (const ENTT_ID_TYPE identifier) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Returns the meta type associated with a given identifier. More...
template<typename Op >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_invocable_v< Op, meta_type >, void > resolve (Op op) ENTT_NOEXCEPT
 Iterates all the reflected types. More...


template<ENTT_ID_TYPE Value>
monostate< Value > monostate_v = {}
 Helper variable template. More...
template<std::size_t N>
constexpr choice_t< N > choice {}
 Variable template for the choice trick. More...
template<class List >
constexpr auto type_list_size_v = type_list_size<List>::value
 Helper variable template. More...
template<class Type >
constexpr auto is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable<Type>::value
 Helper variable template. More...
template<class Type >
constexpr auto named_type_traits_v = named_type_traits<Type>::value
 Helper variable template. More...
template<class Type >
constexpr auto is_named_type_v = is_named_type<Type>::value
 Helper variable template. More...
template<auto Func>
constexpr connect_arg_t< Func > connect_arg {}
 Constant of type connect_arg_t used to disambiguate calls. More...
constexpr auto null = internal::null{}
 Compile-time constant for null entities. More...
template<typename... Type>
constexpr exclude_t< Type... > exclude {}
 Variable template for exclusion lists. More...
template<typename... Type>
constexpr get_t< Type... > get {}
 Variable template for lists of observed components. More...
constexpr basic_collector collector {}
 Variable template used to ease the definition of collectors. More...
constexpr as_alias_t as_alias
 Disambiguation tag. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ actor

using entt::actor = typedef basic_actor<entity>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ continuous_loader

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ group

template<typename... Types>
using entt::group = typedef basic_group<entity, Types...>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

Template Parameters
TypesTypes of components iterated by the group.

◆ hashed_string

Aliases for common character types.

◆ hashed_wstring

using entt::hashed_wstring = typedef basic_hashed_string<wchar_t>

Aliases for common character types.

◆ named_type_traits_t

template<typename Type >
using entt::named_type_traits_t = typedef typename named_type_traits<Type>::type

Helper type.

Template Parameters
TypePotentially named type.

◆ observer

using entt::observer = typedef basic_observer<entity>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ registry

using entt::registry = typedef basic_registry<entity>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ runtime_view

using entt::runtime_view = typedef basic_runtime_view<entity>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ snapshot

using entt::snapshot = typedef basic_snapshot<entity>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ snapshot_loader

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ tag

template<ENTT_ID_TYPE Value>
using entt::tag = typedef std::integral_constant<ENTT_ID_TYPE, Value>

Alias template to ease the assignment of tags to entities.

If used in combination with hashed strings, it simplifies the assignment of tags to entities and the use of tags in general where a type would be required otherwise.
As an example and where the user defined literal for hashed strings hasn't been changed:

Tags are empty components and therefore candidates for the empty component optimization.
Template Parameters
ValueThe numeric representation of an instance of hashed string.

◆ type_list_cat_t

template<typename... List>
using entt::type_list_cat_t = typedef typename type_list_cat<List...>::type

Helper type.

Template Parameters
ListType lists to concatenate.

◆ type_list_unique_t

template<typename Type >
using entt::type_list_unique_t = typedef typename type_list_unique<Type>::type

Helper type.

Template Parameters
TypeA type list.

◆ view

template<typename... Types>
using entt::view = typedef basic_view<entity, Types...>

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

Template Parameters
TypesTypes of components iterated by the view.

Function Documentation

◆ as_group() [1/2]

template<typename Entity >
entt::as_group ( basic_registry< Entity > &  ) -> as_group< false, Entity >

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
EntityA valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).

◆ as_group() [2/2]

template<typename Entity >
entt::as_group ( const basic_registry< Entity > &  ) -> as_group< true, Entity >

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
EntityA valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).

◆ as_view() [1/2]

template<typename Entity >
entt::as_view ( basic_registry< Entity > &  ) -> as_view< false, Entity >

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
EntityA valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).

◆ as_view() [2/2]

template<typename Entity >
entt::as_view ( const basic_registry< Entity > &  ) -> as_view< true, Entity >

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the constness of a registry directly from the instance provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
EntityA valid entity type (see entt_traits for more details).

◆ basic_hashed_string()

template<typename Char , std::size_t N>
entt::basic_hashed_string ( const Char(&)  str[N]) -> basic_hashed_string< Char >

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the character type of the hashed string directly from a human-readable identifer provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
CharCharacter type.
NNumber of characters of the identifier.
strHuman-readable identifer.

◆ delegate() [1/3]

template<auto Function>
entt::delegate ( connect_arg_t< Function >  ) -> delegate< std::remove_pointer_t< internal::to_function_pointer_t< decltype(Function)>>>

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the function type of the delegate directly from a function provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
FunctionA valid free function pointer.

◆ delegate() [2/3]

template<auto Candidate, typename Type >
entt::delegate ( connect_arg_t< Candidate >  ,
Type &   
) -> delegate< std::remove_pointer_t< internal::to_function_pointer_t< decltype(Candidate), Type * >>>

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the function type of the delegate directly from a member or a free function with payload provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
CandidateMember or free function to connect to the delegate.
TypeType of class or type of payload.

◆ delegate() [3/3]

template<auto Candidate, typename Type >
entt::delegate ( connect_arg_t< Candidate >  ,
Type *   
) -> delegate< std::remove_pointer_t< internal::to_function_pointer_t< decltype(Candidate), Type * >>>

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the function type of the delegate directly from a member or a free function with payload provided to the constructor.

Template Parameters
CandidateMember or free function to connect to the delegate.
TypeType of class or type of payload.


entt::ENTT_OPAQUE_TYPE ( entity  ,

Alias declaration for the most common use case.


entt::ENTT_OPAQUE_TYPE ( component  ,

Alias declaration for the most common use case.

◆ meta()

template<typename Type >
meta_factory<Type> entt::meta ( )

Utility function to use for reflection.

This is the point from which everything starts.
By invoking this function with a type that is not yet reflected, a meta type is created to which it will be possible to attach meta objects through a dedicated factory.

Template Parameters
TypeType to reflect.
A meta factory for the given type.

◆ operator!=() [1/11]

template<typename Char >
constexpr bool entt::operator!= ( const basic_hashed_string< Char > &  lhs,
const basic_hashed_string< Char > &  rhs 

Compares two hashed strings.

Template Parameters
CharCharacter type.
lhsA valid hashed string.
rhsA valid hashed string.
True if the two hashed strings are identical, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [2/11]

template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
bool entt::operator!= ( const delegate< Ret(Args...)> &  lhs,
const delegate< Ret(Args...)> &  rhs 

Compares the contents of two delegates.

Template Parameters
RetReturn type of a function type.
ArgsTypes of arguments of a function type.
lhsA valid delegate object.
rhsA valid delegate object.
True if the two contents differ, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [3/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_any lhs,
const meta_any rhs 

Checks if two containers differ in their content.

lhsA meta any object, either empty or not.
rhsA meta any object, either empty or not.
True if the two containers differ in their content, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [4/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_prop lhs,
const meta_prop rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [5/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_base lhs,
const meta_base rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [6/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_conv lhs,
const meta_conv rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [7/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_ctor lhs,
const meta_ctor rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [8/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_dtor lhs,
const meta_dtor rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [9/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_data lhs,
const meta_data rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [10/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_func lhs,
const meta_func rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ operator!=() [11/11]

bool entt::operator!= ( const meta_type lhs,
const meta_type rhs 

Checks if two meta objects refer to the same node.

lhsA meta object, either valid or not.
rhsA meta object, either valid or not.
True if the two meta objects refer to the same node, false otherwise.

◆ overload() [1/2]

template<typename Type , typename Class >
constexpr auto entt::overload ( Type Class::*  member)

Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded member functions.

Template Parameters
TypeFunction type of the desired overload.
ClassType of class to which the member functions belong.
memberA valid pointer to a member function.
Pointer to the member function.

◆ overload() [2/2]

template<typename Type >
constexpr auto entt::overload ( Type *  func)

Constant utility to disambiguate overloaded functions.

Template Parameters
TypeFunction type of the desired overload.
funcA valid pointer to a function.
Pointer to the function.

◆ overloaded()

template<class... Type>
entt::overloaded ( Type...  ) -> overloaded< Type... >

Deduction guide.

Template Parameters
FuncTypes of function objects.

◆ resolve() [1/3]

template<typename Type >
meta_type entt::resolve ( )

Returns the meta type associated with a given type.

Template Parameters
TypeType to use to search for a meta type.
The meta type associated with the given type, if any.

◆ resolve() [2/3]

meta_type entt::resolve ( const ENTT_ID_TYPE  identifier)

Returns the meta type associated with a given identifier.

identifierUnique identifier.
The meta type associated with the given identifier, if any.

◆ resolve() [3/3]

template<typename Op >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_invocable_v<Op, meta_type>, void> entt::resolve ( Op  op)

Iterates all the reflected types.

Template Parameters
OpType of the function object to invoke.
opA valid function object.

◆ sink()

template<typename Ret , typename... Args>
entt::sink ( sigh< Ret(Args...)> &  ) -> sink< Ret(Args...)>

Deduction guide.

It allows to deduce the function type of a sink directly from the signal it refers to.

Template Parameters
RetReturn type of a function type.
ArgsTypes of arguments of a function type.

Variable Documentation

◆ as_alias

constexpr as_alias_t entt::as_alias

Disambiguation tag.

◆ choice

template<std::size_t N>
constexpr choice_t<N> entt::choice {}

Variable template for the choice trick.

Template Parameters
NNumber of choices available.

◆ collector

constexpr basic_collector entt::collector {}

Variable template used to ease the definition of collectors.

◆ connect_arg

template<auto Func>
constexpr connect_arg_t<Func> entt::connect_arg {}

Constant of type connect_arg_t used to disambiguate calls.

◆ exclude

template<typename... Type>
constexpr exclude_t<Type...> entt::exclude {}

Variable template for exclusion lists.

Template Parameters
TypeList of types.

◆ get

template<typename... Type>
constexpr get_t<Type...> entt::get {}

Variable template for lists of observed components.

Template Parameters
TypeList of types.

◆ is_equality_comparable_v

template<class Type >
constexpr auto entt::is_equality_comparable_v = is_equality_comparable<Type>::value

Helper variable template.

Template Parameters
TypePotentially equality comparable type.

◆ is_named_type_v

template<class Type >
constexpr auto entt::is_named_type_v = is_named_type<Type>::value

Helper variable template.

Template Parameters
TypePotentially named type.

◆ monostate_v

template<ENTT_ID_TYPE Value>
monostate<Value> entt::monostate_v = {}

Helper variable template.

Template Parameters
ValueValue used to differentiate between different variables.

◆ named_type_traits_v

template<class Type >
constexpr auto entt::named_type_traits_v = named_type_traits<Type>::value

Helper variable template.

Template Parameters
TypePotentially named type.

◆ null

constexpr auto entt::null = internal::null{}

Compile-time constant for null entities.

TURN_OFF_DOXYGENThere exist implicit conversions from this variable to entity identifiers of any allowed type. Similarly, there exist comparision operators between the null entity and any other entity identifier.

◆ type_list_size_v

template<class List >
constexpr auto entt::type_list_size_v = type_list_size<List>::value

Helper variable template.

Template Parameters
ListType list.