OpenLexocad  27.1
Core::Settings Class Reference

#include <Settings.h>

Public Types

enum  CutOptions { SHOW, HIDE, ASK }
enum  SnapMode { OLD_MODE = 0, NEW_MODE = 1 }
enum  ShapeTessellationQuality {
  coarse = 0, medium_coarse = 1, medium_fine = 2, fine = 3,
  ownImpl = 4
enum  ShapeTessellationMode { facet_options_visualization = 0, facet_options_precise = 1, facet_options_expert = 2, facet_global = 3 }
enum  ShapeCreationMode { , ShapeCreationMode::MeshOnlyForMultiGeo }
enum  MarkerResolution { MarkerResolution::Auto, MarkerResolution::Small, MarkerResolution::Large, MarkerResolution::Medium }

Public Member Functions

 Settings (int argc, char **argv)
 ~Settings (void)
void registerSettings ()
void unregisterSettings ()
void saveWindowSettings (int mainWinDimensionX, int mainWinDimensionY, int mainWinPositionX, int mainWinPositionY, bool isMainWinMaximized)
void loadWindowSettings (int &mainWinDimensionX, int &mainWinDimensionY, int &mainWinPositionX, int &mainWinPositionY, bool &isMainWinMaximized)
ShapeCreationMode getDefaultIFCShapeCreationMode () const
void setDefaultIFCShapeCreationMode (ShapeCreationMode m)
void saveString (const QString &regKey, const QString &text)
void loadString (const QString &regKey, QString &text)
void saveDialogGeometry (QWidget *dialog)
bool loadDialogGeometry (QWidget *dialog)
void saveTreeWidgetSettings (QTreeWidget *tree)
bool loadTreeWidgetSettings (QTreeWidget *tree)
void saveSplitterSettings (QSplitter *splitter)
bool loadSplitterSettings (QSplitter *splitter)
void savePieceListDialogSettings (const QByteArray &tableState)
void loadPieceListDialogSettings (QByteArray &tableState)
void saveIfcVersionDialogSettings (const QByteArray &data)
void loadIfcVersionDialogSettings (QByteArray &data)
void saveProxyAuthentication (const QByteArray &data)
void loadProxyAuthentication (QByteArray &data)
void saveLoadMaterialDlgSettings (const QByteArray &tableState)
bool loadLoadMaterialDlgSettings (QByteArray &tableState)
void saveExtrudedAreaDlgSettings (int profileIndex, const QString &parameter1, const QString &parameter2)
void loadExtrudedAreaDlgSettings (int &profileIndex, QString &parameter1, QString &parameter2)
void saveVisibilityDialogSettings (const QByteArray &geometryState, const QByteArray &splitterState)
bool loadVisibilityDialogSettings (QByteArray &geometryState, QByteArray &splitterState)
const std::vector< int > & getUserDefFKeys ()
void saveFKey (int fIdx, const QString &alternateActionName)
void loadFKeys (QStringList &actions)
QString loadFKey (const uint &functionKeyNumber) const
void saveScreenRecorderActive (bool on)
bool loadScreenRecorderActive ()
void saveScreenRecorderQualityProfile (int qualityProfile)
int loadScreenRecorderQualityProfile ()
void saveScreenRecorderWindowSize (const QSize &size)
QSize loadScreenRecorderWindowSize ()
void saveCameraAnimationViewerSize (const QSize &size)
QSize loadCameraAnimationViewerSize ()
void saveScreenRecorderAskForVideoFileName (bool on)
int loadScreenRecorderAskForVideoFileName ()
void saveScreenRecorderOversize (bool on)
bool loadScreenRecorderOversize ()
void saveScreenRecorderOversizeSize (const QSize &size)
QSize loadScreenRecorderOversizeSize ()
void saveScreenRecorderShowMenu (bool on)
bool loadScreenRecorderShowMenu ()
void saveScreenRecorderShowKeysAndMouse (bool on)
bool loadScreenRecorderShowKeysAndMouse ()
void saveScreenRecorderRecordSound (bool recordSound)
bool loadScreenRecorderRecordSound ()
void saveScreenRecorderShowRedRectangle (bool show)
bool loadScreenRecorderShowRedRectangle ()
void saveScreenRecorderRecordEvents (bool recordEvents)
bool loadScreenRecorderRecordEvents ()
void saveScreenRecorderPlayEvents (bool playEvents)
bool loadScreenRecorderPlayEvents ()
void saveWelcomeScreenVisible (bool on)
bool loadWelcomeScreenVisible ()
void saveNotificationDialogVisible (const unsigned int id, bool on)
bool loadNotificationDialogVisible (const unsigned int id) const
bool isUserDebugWindowVisible ()
void setUserDebugWindowVisible (bool visible)
void saveFonts (const QStringList &fonts)
QStringList loadFonts ()
void saveUserSettings (int cameraAnimationTime, int importMaxPoints)
void loadUserSettings (int &cameraAnimationTime, int &importMaxPoints)
void setLastImportedFilePath (QString path)
QString getLastImportedFilePath ()
void setCurrentScriptFilePath (const QString &path)
QString getCurrentScriptFilePath () const
void setCurrentScriptId (const Base::GlobalId &aScriptId)
Base::GlobalId getCurrentScriptId () const
void setCurrentScriptInsertionPoint (const Geom::Pnt &aInsertionPnt, bool isDragAndDropped, Core::DocObject *aDroppedOnObject)
Geom::Pnt getCurrentScriptInsertionPoint (bool &isDragAndDropped, Core::DocObject *&aDroppedOnObject) const
void setBuildingBlocksDir (std::string dir)
std::string getBuildingBlocksDir ()
void setMaterialDir (std::string dir)
std::string getMaterialDir ()
void setIconsDir (std::string dir)
std::string getIconsDir ()
void enable_polgonoffset (bool on)
bool is_polgonoffset_enabled ()
double getRayPickRadius ()
void setRayPickRadius (double r)
uint32_t getPickPointCountMaximum ()
void setPickPointCountMaximum (uint32_t r)
CatalogType getCatalogType ()
void setCatalogType (CatalogType)
void setShowLocalAxisCross (bool on)
bool showLocalAxisCross ()
void setShowWorldAxisCross (bool on)
bool showWorldAxisCross ()
void setTest (bool on)
bool test () const
bool developer () const
void setMacroRecorderActive (bool on)
bool macroRecorderActive ()
void setRotationStepForPropertyView (double value)
double getRotationStepForPropertyView ()
void saveRecentFiles (const QStringList &list)
bool loadRecentFiles (QStringList &list)
unsigned int getMaxRecentFiles ()
void setMaxRecentFiles (unsigned int value)
QString getUserCatalogDirInCadworkCat ()
QString getUserCatalogDir (bool ignoreStandalone=false)
void setUserCatalogDir (const QString &dir)
QString getBackupDir (bool ignoreStandalone=false)
int getNumberOfBackupFiles ()
int getStandaloneNumberOfBackupFiles ()
void setNumberOfBackupFiles (int count)
int getIntervalOfBackupFiles ()
int getStandaloneIntervalOfBackupFiles ()
void setIntervalOfBackupFiles (int value)
void loadCodeProtectionFlags (bool forceReload=true)
pCodeProtectionFlags getCodeProtectionFlags () const
std::vector< int > codeProtectionTest (const std::vector< int > &requiredCodes) const
const std::vector< bool > & getDisabledCodes () const
void setDisabledCodes (const std::vector< bool > &disabledCodes)
void setSubProductID_Standard ()
void setSubProductID_IfcUser ()
void setSubProductID_Plugin ()
bool isSubProductID_Standard ()
bool isSubProductID_IfcUser ()
bool isSubProductID_Plugin ()
std::string getSubProductIDAsString ()
QString getPluginDir ()
void setPluginDir (const QString &dir)
QString getCadworkDir () const
QString getCadworkPCLIBDir () const
QString getCadworkCat () const
QString getCadworkExeDir () const
int getPCLIB_Version ()
QString getCadworkUserprofile (bool ignoreStandalone=false) const
QString getCadworkUserprofileWithVersion () const
QString getCadworkClipboard () const
int getCadworkNumberOfBackupFiles () const
void setCadworkNumberOfBackupFiles (int value)
int getCadworkIntervalOfBackupFiles () const
void setCadworkIntervalOfBackupFiles (int value)
bool isCadwork3dInstalled () const
QString getPath2TestDocuments () const
QColor getBackgroundColor ()
void setBackgroundColor (const QColor &color)
QColor getGroundPlateColor ()
void setGroundPlateColor (const QColor &color)
void setOpenFileDir (QString dir)
QString getOpenFileDir ()
void setTextureOpenFileDir (QString dir)
QString getTextureOpenFileDir ()
void setCutOptions (CutOptions options)
CutOptions getCutOptions ()
CodeExtendedInfoType * getExtendedCodeInfo ()
const QString & getClientNr ()
QLocale::Country getClientCountry () const
QString getCodeProtectionNodeName ()
void setModulePreference (const QString &moduleName, const QString &key, const QString &value)
QString getModulePreference (const QString &moduleName, const QString &key, const QString &defaultValue=QString())
void setViewAnimation (bool on)
bool getViewAnimation () const
void setShowScaleHandles (bool on)
bool getShowScaleHandles () const
void setEnableZBufferPDFHack (bool on)
bool getEnableZBufferPDFHack () const
void setTexturesAllFaces (bool on)
bool getTexturesAllFaces () const
void setShowConsole (bool on)
bool getShowConsole ()
void setWithDebugger (bool on)
bool getWithDebugger ()
void setStyleSheetName (const QString &name)
QString getStyleSheetName ()
QString loadStyleSheet (const QStringList &list)
QString getOpenLxVersionString () const
void setOpenLxVersionString (const QString &aVersion)
bool canUseAcis ()
void setForceWoodUser (bool on)
bool getForceWoodUser () const
bool getWoodUser ()
void setOpenBuiltUser (bool on)
bool getOpenBuiltUser ()
void setIfcUser (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getIfcUser ()
void setIfcViewerFile (QString a)
QString getIfcViewerFile ()
void setDebugUser (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getDebugUser (bool persistent=false)
bool getBaubitUser ()
void setBaubitUser (bool on)
bool isConceptionUserByDefault ()
bool isConceptionUser ()
void setConceptionUser (bool on)
void setDownloadPdbFiles (bool on)
bool getDownloadPdbFiles ()
void setUpdateToUnstable (bool on)
bool getUpdateToUnstable ()
void setAcisPartEnabled (bool on)
bool getAcisPartEnabled ()
void setLODEnabled (bool on)
bool getLODEnabled () const
void saveIntegratedL2DLayoutState (const QByteArray &state)
bool loadIntegratedL2DLayoutState (QByteArray &state)
void setShowTextures (bool on)
bool getShowTextures () const
void setShowComponentTypeTextures (bool on)
bool getShowComponentTypeTextures () const
void set_HPK_UseRain (bool yesno)
bool get_HPK_UseRain () const
void setCalculateViewprovider (bool on)
bool getCalculateViewprovider () const
void setAlternativeLookupPath (const Base::String &path)
 Sets an alternative path to look for dlls and other application files. -> Needed for cadwork pclib. More...
Base::String getAlternativeLookupPath () const
 Sets an alternative path to look for dlls and other application files -> Needed for cadwork pclib. More...
Base::String getLexo2DName ()
void setLogLevel (Base::LOGLEVEL, bool persistent=false)
Base::LOGLEVEL getLogLevel ()
bool getAcisVersion (int &major, int &minor, int &point)
void setAcisVersion (int major, int minor, int point)
void setRenderWireframe (bool on)
bool getRenderWireframe () const
void setRenderFacets (bool on)
bool getRenderFacets () const
SnapMode getSnapMode () const
void setSnapMode (SnapMode)
void setUngroupMode (bool on)
bool getUngroupMode () const
void setMultiGeoUngroupMode (bool on)
bool getMultiGeoUngroupMode () const
void setMultisampling (bool on)
bool getMultisampling () const
void setAllowMultiViewOnStart (bool on)
bool getAllowMultiViewOnStart () const
int getDebugMessageCounter ()
void resetDebugMessageCounter ()
void incrementDebugMessageCounter ()
void setAcisSaveEntityTextMode (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getAcisSaveEntityTextMode () const
void setShapeTessellationQuality (Core::Settings::ShapeTessellationQuality quality)
Core::Settings::ShapeTessellationQuality getShapeTessellationQuality ()
void set3dzExportCutOpenings (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool get3dzExportCutOpenings () const
void setShowLayerNumber (bool on)
bool getShowLayerNumber () const
void setShowComponentTypeNumber (bool on)
bool getShowComponentTypeNumber () const
void setBeamBothEndsSame (bool on)
bool getBeamBothEndsSame ()
void setCadworkStyle (bool on)
bool getCadworkStyle () const
void setOSGMode (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getOSGMode () const
void setCombinedAcisSaveMode (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getCombinedAcisSaveMode () const
void setIFCFastMode (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getIFCFastMode () const
void setGlobalSecondViewerWireframeDrawStyle (bool on)
bool getGlobalSecondViewerWireframeDrawStyle () const
void setUseThreads (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getUseThreads () const
void setIVExportSelectedFilter (QString filter)
QString getIVExportSelectedFilter () const
void setRunningFromLexocad (bool on)
bool getRunningFromLexocad () const
void setFastRenderMode (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getFastRenderMode () const
bool getCheckShapesOnRecompute (int &checkLevel) const
void setCheckShapesOnRecompute (bool on, int checkLevel)
bool getCheckSliverFacesOnRecompute () const
void setCheckSliverFacesOnRecompute (bool on)
bool getCheckFacetedBrepOnRecompute () const
void setCheckFacetedBrepOnRecompute (bool on)
bool getPointCloudMode () const
void setPointCloudMode (bool on)
bool getPointCloudPointPicking () const
bool setPointCloudPointPicking (bool on)
bool getPointCloudPointSelection () const
void setPointCloudPointSelection (bool on)
bool getPointCloudDynamicPointSize () const
void setPointCloudDynamicPointSize (bool on, bool persistent=false)
bool getPointCloudChunkSelectionEnabled () const
void setPointCloudChunkSelectionEnabled (bool on)
bool getPointCoarseLOD () const
void setPointCoarseLOD (bool on)
void setCreateMiniDumpOnCrash (bool on)
bool getCreateMiniDumpOnCrash ()
void setSoSeparatorCachingEnabled (bool on)
bool getSoSeparatorCachingEnabled () const
void setSoSeparatorCachingEnabledSpecial (bool on)
bool getSoSeparatorCachingEnabledSpecial () const
bool getPointCloudLODenabled () const
void setPointCloudLODenabled (bool on)
bool getShowPointCloudInSecondViewer () const
void setShowPointCloudInSecondViewer (bool on)
bool getSketcherMode () const
void setSketcherMode (bool aOn)
void setViewerGeo (Core::ViewerType viewerType, const QSize &size, const QPoint &pos, bool maximized)
void getViewerGeo (Core::ViewerType viewerType, QSize &size, QPoint &pos, bool &maximized)
void setLexocadCode (bool on)
bool getLexocadCode () const
bool getStandalone () const
void setStandalone (bool on)
QString getStandaloneAppDataPath () const
bool getShowMeshOrientation () const
void setShowMeshOrientation (bool on)
void setDefaultDoorPreset (QString preset)
QString getDefaultDoorPreset () const
void setDefaultWindowPreset (QString preset)
QString getDefaultWindowPreset () const
void setDefaultFrenchWindowPreset (QString preset)
QString getDefaultFrenchWindowPreset () const
void setDefaultGarageDoorPreset (QString preset)
QString getDefaultGarageDoorPreset () const
bool getNewZooming () const
void setNewZooming (bool on)
bool getCoinShaderMode () const
void setCoinShaderMode (bool on, bool persistent=true)
bool getProfiling () const
void setProfiling (bool on)
bool getMeshCaching () const
void setMeshCaching (bool on)
bool getAcisMeshMultiThreating () const
void setAcisMeshMultiThreating (bool on)
int getFastRenderBatchMaxVertexCount () const
void setFastRenderBatchMaxVertexCount (int)
bool getFastRenderEnableEdges () const
void setFastRenderEnableEdges (bool)
bool getIfcImport_ImportAsInventor () const
void setIfcImport_ImportAsInventor (bool on, bool persistance=true)
bool get_Arch_WallAxisSystem () const
void set_Arch_WallAxisSystem (bool on)
bool getSaveRestoreIfcModelWithDocument () const
void setSaveRestoreIfcModelWithDocument (bool on)
bool getMaterialViewSmallIcons () const
void setMaterialViewSmallIcons (bool on)
bool getOpenMaterialDlgSmallIcons () const
void setOpenMaterialDlgSmallIcons (bool on)
uint64_t getLODMinimalPointCount () const
void setLODMinimalPointCount (uint64_t t)
void setAcisMeshShapeEnabled (bool)
bool getAcisMeshShapeEnabled () const
void setLazyFacetedBrepShapeForIfcImport (bool v)
bool getLazyFacetedBrepShapeForIfcImport () const
void setNewSoIndexedFaceSet (bool v)
bool getNewSoIndexedFaceSet () const
void setShowPreviewSurfaceForVerticalView (bool on)
bool getShowPreviewSurfaceForVerticalView ()
void setIFCFastMode_ExtrudedAreaSolid (bool on, bool persistent)
bool getIFCFastMode_ExtrudedAreaSolid () const
void setDeepDebug (bool on)
bool getDeepDebug () const
void setAllowMemoryIsLowMsg (bool on)
bool getAllowMemoryIsLowMsg () const
QString getCadwork3DDir () const
void setWallSolveWarning (int status)
int getWallSolveWarning () const
void enableElementCollector (bool)
bool isElementCollectorEnabled () const
bool isVulkanRenderingEnabled () const
const std::string & riTestScene () const
bool disabledLog () const
void setNewViewProviderUpdate (bool on)
bool getNewViewProviderUpdate () const
void setVisibilityIconHas3States (bool on)
bool getVisibilityIconHas3States () const
void setSaveDialogGeometryInRegistry (bool on)
bool getSaveDialogGeometryInRegistry () const
uint64_t getMetalShapeSelectionFlags () const
void setMetalShapeSelectionFlags (uint64_t flags)
bool isWoodConstructionUser ()
bool isInternalCadworkUser ()
std::pair< int, int > getMinimalModernOpenGLVersion () const
void setObjExportUnprotected (bool unprotected)
bool isObjExportUnprotected () const
bool getRealLineThicknessMode () const
void setRealLineThicknessMode (bool on)
const Geom::TrsfgetRealLineThicknessModeTrsf () const
void setRealLineThicknessModeTrsf (const Geom::Trsf &trsf)
Base::String getLxElementTypeIdentifier () const
Base::String getDisplayName ()
bool checkResultFromPolyToAcisConverter () const
void setCheckResultFromPolyToAcisConverter (bool v)
bool allowQuadroCard () const
Core::UpdateInfo getUpdateInfo ()
bool getUpdateInfos (QString &appName, QString &updateDir)
bool getUpdateSetting (QString &organization, QString &application)
void setDrawLocalCoordinateSystem (bool on)
bool getDrawLocalCoordinateSystem () const
void setMarkerResolution (MarkerResolution)
MarkerResolution getMarkerResolution ()
unsigned long getLODLevel_MidRes () const
unsigned long getLODLevel_LowRes () const
unsigned long getLODLevel_VoidRes () const
bool isGridPicking () const
void setGridPickung (bool on)
bool isUnitTestingEnabled () const
void enableUnitTesting (bool on)
bool isDefectLinksMessageEnabled () const
void enableDefectLinksMessage (bool on)
QString getCustomBimTeamOrigin () const
void setCustomBimTeamOrigin (const QString &value)
bool hasPreviousVersionToSave ()
bool lexocadIsIncadworkDir (QString &errorMessage)
 Is this Lexocad running inside of cadwork.dir? More...
bool get_CI_Start_FilePath (QString &ci_start_filepath, QString &errorMessage)
 Get path to ci_start.exe. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void saveLanguage (CTranslator::Language language)
static CTranslator::Language loadLanguage ()
static Core::SettingsgetInstance ()
static bool isPublicVersion ()
static bool isBeta ()
static std::pair< int, int > getPreviousVersionToSave ()
static bool showNewVersionMessage (std::pair< int, int > appVersionOfOpeningDocument)
static bool isUpdateInternal ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CatalogType


◆ CutOptions


◆ MarkerResolution


◆ ShapeCreationMode


◆ ShapeTessellationMode


◆ ShapeTessellationQuality


◆ SnapMode


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Settings()

Core::Settings::Settings ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

◆ ~Settings()

Core::Settings::~Settings ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ allowQuadroCard()

bool Core::Settings::allowQuadroCard ( ) const

◆ canUseAcis()

bool Core::Settings::canUseAcis ( )

◆ checkResultFromPolyToAcisConverter()

bool Core::Settings::checkResultFromPolyToAcisConverter ( ) const

◆ codeProtectionTest()

std::vector<int> Core::Settings::codeProtectionTest ( const std::vector< int > &  requiredCodes) const

◆ developer()

bool Core::Settings::developer ( ) const

◆ disabledLog()

bool Core::Settings::disabledLog ( ) const

◆ enable_polgonoffset()

void Core::Settings::enable_polgonoffset ( bool  on)

◆ enableDefectLinksMessage()

void Core::Settings::enableDefectLinksMessage ( bool  on)

◆ enableElementCollector()

void Core::Settings::enableElementCollector ( bool  )

◆ enableUnitTesting()

void Core::Settings::enableUnitTesting ( bool  on)

◆ get3dzExportCutOpenings()

bool Core::Settings::get3dzExportCutOpenings ( ) const

◆ get_Arch_WallAxisSystem()

bool Core::Settings::get_Arch_WallAxisSystem ( ) const

◆ get_CI_Start_FilePath()

bool Core::Settings::get_CI_Start_FilePath ( QString &  ci_start_filepath,
QString &  errorMessage 

Get path to ci_start.exe.

◆ get_HPK_UseRain()

bool Core::Settings::get_HPK_UseRain ( ) const

◆ getAcisMeshMultiThreating()

bool Core::Settings::getAcisMeshMultiThreating ( ) const

◆ getAcisMeshShapeEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::getAcisMeshShapeEnabled ( ) const

◆ getAcisPartEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::getAcisPartEnabled ( )

◆ getAcisSaveEntityTextMode()

bool Core::Settings::getAcisSaveEntityTextMode ( ) const

◆ getAcisVersion()

bool Core::Settings::getAcisVersion ( int &  major,
int &  minor,
int &  point 

◆ getAllowMemoryIsLowMsg()

bool Core::Settings::getAllowMemoryIsLowMsg ( ) const

◆ getAllowMultiViewOnStart()

bool Core::Settings::getAllowMultiViewOnStart ( ) const

◆ getAlternativeLookupPath()

Base::String Core::Settings::getAlternativeLookupPath ( ) const

Sets an alternative path to look for dlls and other application files -> Needed for cadwork pclib.

◆ getBackgroundColor()

QColor Core::Settings::getBackgroundColor ( )

◆ getBackupDir()

QString Core::Settings::getBackupDir ( bool  ignoreStandalone = false)

◆ getBaubitUser()

bool Core::Settings::getBaubitUser ( )

◆ getBeamBothEndsSame()

bool Core::Settings::getBeamBothEndsSame ( )

◆ getBuildingBlocksDir()

std::string Core::Settings::getBuildingBlocksDir ( )

◆ getCadwork3DDir()

QString Core::Settings::getCadwork3DDir ( ) const

◆ getCadworkCat()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkCat ( ) const

◆ getCadworkClipboard()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkClipboard ( ) const

◆ getCadworkDir()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkDir ( ) const

◆ getCadworkExeDir()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkExeDir ( ) const

◆ getCadworkIntervalOfBackupFiles()

int Core::Settings::getCadworkIntervalOfBackupFiles ( ) const

◆ getCadworkNumberOfBackupFiles()

int Core::Settings::getCadworkNumberOfBackupFiles ( ) const

◆ getCadworkPCLIBDir()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkPCLIBDir ( ) const

◆ getCadworkStyle()

bool Core::Settings::getCadworkStyle ( ) const

◆ getCadworkUserprofile()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkUserprofile ( bool  ignoreStandalone = false) const

◆ getCadworkUserprofileWithVersion()

QString Core::Settings::getCadworkUserprofileWithVersion ( ) const

◆ getCalculateViewprovider()

bool Core::Settings::getCalculateViewprovider ( ) const

◆ getCatalogType()

CatalogType Core::Settings::getCatalogType ( )

◆ getCheckFacetedBrepOnRecompute()

bool Core::Settings::getCheckFacetedBrepOnRecompute ( ) const

◆ getCheckShapesOnRecompute()

bool Core::Settings::getCheckShapesOnRecompute ( int &  checkLevel) const

◆ getCheckSliverFacesOnRecompute()

bool Core::Settings::getCheckSliverFacesOnRecompute ( ) const

◆ getClientCountry()

QLocale::Country Core::Settings::getClientCountry ( ) const

◆ getClientNr()

const QString& Core::Settings::getClientNr ( )

◆ getCodeProtectionFlags()

pCodeProtectionFlags Core::Settings::getCodeProtectionFlags ( ) const

◆ getCodeProtectionNodeName()

QString Core::Settings::getCodeProtectionNodeName ( )

◆ getCoinShaderMode()

bool Core::Settings::getCoinShaderMode ( ) const

◆ getCombinedAcisSaveMode()

bool Core::Settings::getCombinedAcisSaveMode ( ) const

◆ getCreateMiniDumpOnCrash()

bool Core::Settings::getCreateMiniDumpOnCrash ( )

◆ getCurrentScriptFilePath()

QString Core::Settings::getCurrentScriptFilePath ( ) const

◆ getCurrentScriptId()

Base::GlobalId Core::Settings::getCurrentScriptId ( ) const

◆ getCurrentScriptInsertionPoint()

Geom::Pnt Core::Settings::getCurrentScriptInsertionPoint ( bool &  isDragAndDropped,
Core::DocObject *&  aDroppedOnObject 
) const

◆ getCustomBimTeamOrigin()

QString Core::Settings::getCustomBimTeamOrigin ( ) const

◆ getCutOptions()

CutOptions Core::Settings::getCutOptions ( )

◆ getDebugMessageCounter()

int Core::Settings::getDebugMessageCounter ( )

◆ getDebugUser()

bool Core::Settings::getDebugUser ( bool  persistent = false)

◆ getDeepDebug()

bool Core::Settings::getDeepDebug ( ) const

◆ getDefaultDoorPreset()

QString Core::Settings::getDefaultDoorPreset ( ) const

◆ getDefaultFrenchWindowPreset()

QString Core::Settings::getDefaultFrenchWindowPreset ( ) const

◆ getDefaultGarageDoorPreset()

QString Core::Settings::getDefaultGarageDoorPreset ( ) const

◆ getDefaultIFCShapeCreationMode()

ShapeCreationMode Core::Settings::getDefaultIFCShapeCreationMode ( ) const

◆ getDefaultWindowPreset()

QString Core::Settings::getDefaultWindowPreset ( ) const

◆ getDisabledCodes()

const std::vector<bool>& Core::Settings::getDisabledCodes ( ) const

◆ getDisplayName()

Base::String Core::Settings::getDisplayName ( )

◆ getDownloadPdbFiles()

bool Core::Settings::getDownloadPdbFiles ( )

◆ getDrawLocalCoordinateSystem()

bool Core::Settings::getDrawLocalCoordinateSystem ( ) const

◆ getEnableZBufferPDFHack()

bool Core::Settings::getEnableZBufferPDFHack ( ) const

◆ getExtendedCodeInfo()

CodeExtendedInfoType* Core::Settings::getExtendedCodeInfo ( )

◆ getFastRenderBatchMaxVertexCount()

int Core::Settings::getFastRenderBatchMaxVertexCount ( ) const

◆ getFastRenderEnableEdges()

bool Core::Settings::getFastRenderEnableEdges ( ) const

◆ getFastRenderMode()

bool Core::Settings::getFastRenderMode ( ) const

◆ getForceWoodUser()

bool Core::Settings::getForceWoodUser ( ) const

◆ getGlobalSecondViewerWireframeDrawStyle()

bool Core::Settings::getGlobalSecondViewerWireframeDrawStyle ( ) const

◆ getGroundPlateColor()

QColor Core::Settings::getGroundPlateColor ( )

◆ getIconsDir()

std::string Core::Settings::getIconsDir ( )

◆ getIFCFastMode()

bool Core::Settings::getIFCFastMode ( ) const

◆ getIFCFastMode_ExtrudedAreaSolid()

bool Core::Settings::getIFCFastMode_ExtrudedAreaSolid ( ) const

◆ getIfcImport_ImportAsInventor()

bool Core::Settings::getIfcImport_ImportAsInventor ( ) const

◆ getIfcUser()

bool Core::Settings::getIfcUser ( )

◆ getIfcViewerFile()

QString Core::Settings::getIfcViewerFile ( )

◆ getInstance()

static Core::Settings* Core::Settings::getInstance ( )

◆ getIntervalOfBackupFiles()

int Core::Settings::getIntervalOfBackupFiles ( )

◆ getIVExportSelectedFilter()

QString Core::Settings::getIVExportSelectedFilter ( ) const

◆ getLastImportedFilePath()

QString Core::Settings::getLastImportedFilePath ( )

◆ getLazyFacetedBrepShapeForIfcImport()

bool Core::Settings::getLazyFacetedBrepShapeForIfcImport ( ) const

◆ getLexo2DName()

Base::String Core::Settings::getLexo2DName ( )

◆ getLexocadCode()

bool Core::Settings::getLexocadCode ( ) const

◆ getLODEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::getLODEnabled ( ) const

◆ getLODLevel_LowRes()

unsigned long Core::Settings::getLODLevel_LowRes ( ) const

◆ getLODLevel_MidRes()

unsigned long Core::Settings::getLODLevel_MidRes ( ) const

◆ getLODLevel_VoidRes()

unsigned long Core::Settings::getLODLevel_VoidRes ( ) const

◆ getLODMinimalPointCount()

uint64_t Core::Settings::getLODMinimalPointCount ( ) const

◆ getLogLevel()

Base::LOGLEVEL Core::Settings::getLogLevel ( )

◆ getLxElementTypeIdentifier()

Base::String Core::Settings::getLxElementTypeIdentifier ( ) const

◆ getMarkerResolution()

MarkerResolution Core::Settings::getMarkerResolution ( )

◆ getMaterialDir()

std::string Core::Settings::getMaterialDir ( )

◆ getMaterialViewSmallIcons()

bool Core::Settings::getMaterialViewSmallIcons ( ) const

◆ getMaxRecentFiles()

unsigned int Core::Settings::getMaxRecentFiles ( )

◆ getMeshCaching()

bool Core::Settings::getMeshCaching ( ) const

◆ getMetalShapeSelectionFlags()

uint64_t Core::Settings::getMetalShapeSelectionFlags ( ) const

◆ getMinimalModernOpenGLVersion()

std::pair<int, int> Core::Settings::getMinimalModernOpenGLVersion ( ) const

◆ getModulePreference()

QString Core::Settings::getModulePreference ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QString &  key,
const QString &  defaultValue = QString() 

Returns the value of a preference key for a module. Example: getModulePreference("IfcImport", "preference_ifc_color")

◆ getMultiGeoUngroupMode()

bool Core::Settings::getMultiGeoUngroupMode ( ) const

◆ getMultisampling()

bool Core::Settings::getMultisampling ( ) const

◆ getNewSoIndexedFaceSet()

bool Core::Settings::getNewSoIndexedFaceSet ( ) const

◆ getNewViewProviderUpdate()

bool Core::Settings::getNewViewProviderUpdate ( ) const

◆ getNewZooming()

bool Core::Settings::getNewZooming ( ) const

◆ getNumberOfBackupFiles()

int Core::Settings::getNumberOfBackupFiles ( )

◆ getOpenBuiltUser()

bool Core::Settings::getOpenBuiltUser ( )

◆ getOpenFileDir()

QString Core::Settings::getOpenFileDir ( )

◆ getOpenLxVersionString()

QString Core::Settings::getOpenLxVersionString ( ) const

◆ getOpenMaterialDlgSmallIcons()

bool Core::Settings::getOpenMaterialDlgSmallIcons ( ) const

◆ getOSGMode()

bool Core::Settings::getOSGMode ( ) const

◆ getPath2TestDocuments()

QString Core::Settings::getPath2TestDocuments ( ) const

◆ getPCLIB_Version()

int Core::Settings::getPCLIB_Version ( )

◆ getPickPointCountMaximum()

uint32_t Core::Settings::getPickPointCountMaximum ( )

◆ getPluginDir()

QString Core::Settings::getPluginDir ( )

◆ getPointCloudChunkSelectionEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCloudChunkSelectionEnabled ( ) const

◆ getPointCloudDynamicPointSize()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCloudDynamicPointSize ( ) const

◆ getPointCloudLODenabled()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCloudLODenabled ( ) const

◆ getPointCloudMode()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCloudMode ( ) const

◆ getPointCloudPointPicking()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCloudPointPicking ( ) const

◆ getPointCloudPointSelection()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCloudPointSelection ( ) const

◆ getPointCoarseLOD()

bool Core::Settings::getPointCoarseLOD ( ) const

◆ getPreviousVersionToSave()

static std::pair<int,int> Core::Settings::getPreviousVersionToSave ( )

◆ getProfiling()

bool Core::Settings::getProfiling ( ) const

◆ getRayPickRadius()

double Core::Settings::getRayPickRadius ( )

◆ getRealLineThicknessMode()

bool Core::Settings::getRealLineThicknessMode ( ) const

◆ getRealLineThicknessModeTrsf()

const Geom::Trsf& Core::Settings::getRealLineThicknessModeTrsf ( ) const

◆ getRenderFacets()

bool Core::Settings::getRenderFacets ( ) const

◆ getRenderWireframe()

bool Core::Settings::getRenderWireframe ( ) const

◆ getRotationStepForPropertyView()

double Core::Settings::getRotationStepForPropertyView ( )

◆ getRunningFromLexocad()

bool Core::Settings::getRunningFromLexocad ( ) const

◆ getSaveDialogGeometryInRegistry()

bool Core::Settings::getSaveDialogGeometryInRegistry ( ) const

◆ getSaveRestoreIfcModelWithDocument()

bool Core::Settings::getSaveRestoreIfcModelWithDocument ( ) const

◆ getShapeTessellationQuality()

Core::Settings::ShapeTessellationQuality Core::Settings::getShapeTessellationQuality ( )

◆ getShowComponentTypeNumber()

bool Core::Settings::getShowComponentTypeNumber ( ) const

◆ getShowComponentTypeTextures()

bool Core::Settings::getShowComponentTypeTextures ( ) const

◆ getShowConsole()

bool Core::Settings::getShowConsole ( )

◆ getShowLayerNumber()

bool Core::Settings::getShowLayerNumber ( ) const

◆ getShowMeshOrientation()

bool Core::Settings::getShowMeshOrientation ( ) const

◆ getShowPointCloudInSecondViewer()

bool Core::Settings::getShowPointCloudInSecondViewer ( ) const

◆ getShowPreviewSurfaceForVerticalView()

bool Core::Settings::getShowPreviewSurfaceForVerticalView ( )

◆ getShowScaleHandles()

bool Core::Settings::getShowScaleHandles ( ) const

◆ getShowTextures()

bool Core::Settings::getShowTextures ( ) const

◆ getSketcherMode()

bool Core::Settings::getSketcherMode ( ) const

◆ getSnapMode()

SnapMode Core::Settings::getSnapMode ( ) const

◆ getSoSeparatorCachingEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::getSoSeparatorCachingEnabled ( ) const

◆ getSoSeparatorCachingEnabledSpecial()

bool Core::Settings::getSoSeparatorCachingEnabledSpecial ( ) const

◆ getStandalone()

bool Core::Settings::getStandalone ( ) const

◆ getStandaloneAppDataPath()

QString Core::Settings::getStandaloneAppDataPath ( ) const

◆ getStandaloneIntervalOfBackupFiles()

int Core::Settings::getStandaloneIntervalOfBackupFiles ( )

◆ getStandaloneNumberOfBackupFiles()

int Core::Settings::getStandaloneNumberOfBackupFiles ( )

◆ getStyleSheetName()

QString Core::Settings::getStyleSheetName ( )

◆ getSubProductIDAsString()

std::string Core::Settings::getSubProductIDAsString ( )

◆ getTextureOpenFileDir()

QString Core::Settings::getTextureOpenFileDir ( )

◆ getTexturesAllFaces()

bool Core::Settings::getTexturesAllFaces ( ) const

◆ getUngroupMode()

bool Core::Settings::getUngroupMode ( ) const

◆ getUpdateInfo()

Core::UpdateInfo Core::Settings::getUpdateInfo ( )

◆ getUpdateInfos()

bool Core::Settings::getUpdateInfos ( QString &  appName,
QString &  updateDir 

◆ getUpdateSetting()

bool Core::Settings::getUpdateSetting ( QString &  organization,
QString &  application 

◆ getUpdateToUnstable()

bool Core::Settings::getUpdateToUnstable ( )

◆ getUserCatalogDir()

QString Core::Settings::getUserCatalogDir ( bool  ignoreStandalone = false)

◆ getUserCatalogDirInCadworkCat()

QString Core::Settings::getUserCatalogDirInCadworkCat ( )

◆ getUserDefFKeys()

const std::vector<int>& Core::Settings::getUserDefFKeys ( )

◆ getUseThreads()

bool Core::Settings::getUseThreads ( ) const

◆ getViewAnimation()

bool Core::Settings::getViewAnimation ( ) const

◆ getViewerGeo()

void Core::Settings::getViewerGeo ( Core::ViewerType  viewerType,
QSize &  size,
QPoint &  pos,
bool &  maximized 

◆ getVisibilityIconHas3States()

bool Core::Settings::getVisibilityIconHas3States ( ) const

◆ getWallSolveWarning()

int Core::Settings::getWallSolveWarning ( ) const

◆ getWithDebugger()

bool Core::Settings::getWithDebugger ( )

◆ getWoodUser()

bool Core::Settings::getWoodUser ( )

◆ hasPreviousVersionToSave()

bool Core::Settings::hasPreviousVersionToSave ( )

◆ incrementDebugMessageCounter()

void Core::Settings::incrementDebugMessageCounter ( )

◆ is_polgonoffset_enabled()

bool Core::Settings::is_polgonoffset_enabled ( )

◆ isBeta()

static bool Core::Settings::isBeta ( )

◆ isCadwork3dInstalled()

bool Core::Settings::isCadwork3dInstalled ( ) const

◆ isConceptionUser()

bool Core::Settings::isConceptionUser ( )

◆ isConceptionUserByDefault()

bool Core::Settings::isConceptionUserByDefault ( )

◆ isDefectLinksMessageEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::isDefectLinksMessageEnabled ( ) const

◆ isElementCollectorEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::isElementCollectorEnabled ( ) const

◆ isGridPicking()

bool Core::Settings::isGridPicking ( ) const

◆ isInternalCadworkUser()

bool Core::Settings::isInternalCadworkUser ( )

◆ isObjExportUnprotected()

bool Core::Settings::isObjExportUnprotected ( ) const

◆ isPublicVersion()

static bool Core::Settings::isPublicVersion ( )

◆ isSubProductID_IfcUser()

bool Core::Settings::isSubProductID_IfcUser ( )

◆ isSubProductID_Plugin()

bool Core::Settings::isSubProductID_Plugin ( )

◆ isSubProductID_Standard()

bool Core::Settings::isSubProductID_Standard ( )

◆ isUnitTestingEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::isUnitTestingEnabled ( ) const

◆ isUpdateInternal()

static bool Core::Settings::isUpdateInternal ( )

◆ isUserDebugWindowVisible()

bool Core::Settings::isUserDebugWindowVisible ( )

◆ isVulkanRenderingEnabled()

bool Core::Settings::isVulkanRenderingEnabled ( ) const

◆ isWoodConstructionUser()

bool Core::Settings::isWoodConstructionUser ( )

◆ lexocadIsIncadworkDir()

bool Core::Settings::lexocadIsIncadworkDir ( QString &  errorMessage)

Is this Lexocad running inside of cadwork.dir?

◆ loadCameraAnimationViewerSize()

QSize Core::Settings::loadCameraAnimationViewerSize ( )

◆ loadCodeProtectionFlags()

void Core::Settings::loadCodeProtectionFlags ( bool  forceReload = true)

◆ loadDialogGeometry()

bool Core::Settings::loadDialogGeometry ( QWidget *  dialog)

◆ loadExtrudedAreaDlgSettings()

void Core::Settings::loadExtrudedAreaDlgSettings ( int &  profileIndex,
QString &  parameter1,
QString &  parameter2 

◆ loadFKey()

QString Core::Settings::loadFKey ( const uint &  functionKeyNumber) const

◆ loadFKeys()

void Core::Settings::loadFKeys ( QStringList &  actions)

◆ loadFonts()

QStringList Core::Settings::loadFonts ( )

◆ loadIfcVersionDialogSettings()

void Core::Settings::loadIfcVersionDialogSettings ( QByteArray &  data)

◆ loadIntegratedL2DLayoutState()

bool Core::Settings::loadIntegratedL2DLayoutState ( QByteArray &  state)

◆ loadLanguage()

static CTranslator::Language Core::Settings::loadLanguage ( )

◆ loadLoadMaterialDlgSettings()

bool Core::Settings::loadLoadMaterialDlgSettings ( QByteArray &  tableState)

◆ loadNotificationDialogVisible()

bool Core::Settings::loadNotificationDialogVisible ( const unsigned int  id) const

◆ loadPieceListDialogSettings()

void Core::Settings::loadPieceListDialogSettings ( QByteArray &  tableState)

◆ loadProxyAuthentication()

void Core::Settings::loadProxyAuthentication ( QByteArray &  data)

◆ loadRecentFiles()

bool Core::Settings::loadRecentFiles ( QStringList &  list)

◆ loadScreenRecorderActive()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderActive ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderAskForVideoFileName()

int Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderAskForVideoFileName ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderOversize()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderOversize ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderOversizeSize()

QSize Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderOversizeSize ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderPlayEvents()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderPlayEvents ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderQualityProfile()

int Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderQualityProfile ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderRecordEvents()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderRecordEvents ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderRecordSound()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderRecordSound ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderShowKeysAndMouse()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderShowKeysAndMouse ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderShowMenu()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderShowMenu ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderShowRedRectangle()

bool Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderShowRedRectangle ( )

◆ loadScreenRecorderWindowSize()

QSize Core::Settings::loadScreenRecorderWindowSize ( )

◆ loadSplitterSettings()

bool Core::Settings::loadSplitterSettings ( QSplitter *  splitter)

◆ loadString()

void Core::Settings::loadString ( const QString &  regKey,
QString &  text 

◆ loadStyleSheet()

QString Core::Settings::loadStyleSheet ( const QStringList &  list)

◆ loadTreeWidgetSettings()

bool Core::Settings::loadTreeWidgetSettings ( QTreeWidget *  tree)

◆ loadUserSettings()

void Core::Settings::loadUserSettings ( int &  cameraAnimationTime,
int &  importMaxPoints 

◆ loadVisibilityDialogSettings()

bool Core::Settings::loadVisibilityDialogSettings ( QByteArray &  geometryState,
QByteArray &  splitterState 

◆ loadWelcomeScreenVisible()

bool Core::Settings::loadWelcomeScreenVisible ( )

◆ loadWindowSettings()

void Core::Settings::loadWindowSettings ( int &  mainWinDimensionX,
int &  mainWinDimensionY,
int &  mainWinPositionX,
int &  mainWinPositionY,
bool &  isMainWinMaximized 

◆ macroRecorderActive()

bool Core::Settings::macroRecorderActive ( )

◆ registerSettings()

void Core::Settings::registerSettings ( )

◆ resetDebugMessageCounter()

void Core::Settings::resetDebugMessageCounter ( )

◆ riTestScene()

const std::string& Core::Settings::riTestScene ( ) const

◆ saveCameraAnimationViewerSize()

void Core::Settings::saveCameraAnimationViewerSize ( const QSize &  size)

◆ saveDialogGeometry()

void Core::Settings::saveDialogGeometry ( QWidget *  dialog)

◆ saveExtrudedAreaDlgSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveExtrudedAreaDlgSettings ( int  profileIndex,
const QString &  parameter1,
const QString &  parameter2 

◆ saveFKey()

void Core::Settings::saveFKey ( int  fIdx,
const QString &  alternateActionName 

◆ saveFonts()

void Core::Settings::saveFonts ( const QStringList &  fonts)

◆ saveIfcVersionDialogSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveIfcVersionDialogSettings ( const QByteArray &  data)

◆ saveIntegratedL2DLayoutState()

void Core::Settings::saveIntegratedL2DLayoutState ( const QByteArray &  state)

◆ saveLanguage()

static void Core::Settings::saveLanguage ( CTranslator::Language  language)

◆ saveLoadMaterialDlgSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveLoadMaterialDlgSettings ( const QByteArray &  tableState)

◆ saveNotificationDialogVisible()

void Core::Settings::saveNotificationDialogVisible ( const unsigned int  id,
bool  on 

◆ savePieceListDialogSettings()

void Core::Settings::savePieceListDialogSettings ( const QByteArray &  tableState)

◆ saveProxyAuthentication()

void Core::Settings::saveProxyAuthentication ( const QByteArray &  data)

◆ saveRecentFiles()

void Core::Settings::saveRecentFiles ( const QStringList &  list)

◆ saveScreenRecorderActive()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderActive ( bool  on)

◆ saveScreenRecorderAskForVideoFileName()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderAskForVideoFileName ( bool  on)

◆ saveScreenRecorderOversize()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderOversize ( bool  on)

◆ saveScreenRecorderOversizeSize()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderOversizeSize ( const QSize &  size)

◆ saveScreenRecorderPlayEvents()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderPlayEvents ( bool  playEvents)

◆ saveScreenRecorderQualityProfile()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderQualityProfile ( int  qualityProfile)

◆ saveScreenRecorderRecordEvents()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderRecordEvents ( bool  recordEvents)

◆ saveScreenRecorderRecordSound()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderRecordSound ( bool  recordSound)

◆ saveScreenRecorderShowKeysAndMouse()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderShowKeysAndMouse ( bool  on)

◆ saveScreenRecorderShowMenu()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderShowMenu ( bool  on)

◆ saveScreenRecorderShowRedRectangle()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderShowRedRectangle ( bool  show)

◆ saveScreenRecorderWindowSize()

void Core::Settings::saveScreenRecorderWindowSize ( const QSize &  size)

◆ saveSplitterSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveSplitterSettings ( QSplitter *  splitter)

◆ saveString()

void Core::Settings::saveString ( const QString &  regKey,
const QString &  text 

◆ saveTreeWidgetSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveTreeWidgetSettings ( QTreeWidget *  tree)

◆ saveUserSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveUserSettings ( int  cameraAnimationTime,
int  importMaxPoints 

◆ saveVisibilityDialogSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveVisibilityDialogSettings ( const QByteArray &  geometryState,
const QByteArray &  splitterState 

◆ saveWelcomeScreenVisible()

void Core::Settings::saveWelcomeScreenVisible ( bool  on)

◆ saveWindowSettings()

void Core::Settings::saveWindowSettings ( int  mainWinDimensionX,
int  mainWinDimensionY,
int  mainWinPositionX,
int  mainWinPositionY,
bool  isMainWinMaximized 

◆ set3dzExportCutOpenings()

void Core::Settings::set3dzExportCutOpenings ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ set_Arch_WallAxisSystem()

void Core::Settings::set_Arch_WallAxisSystem ( bool  on)

◆ set_HPK_UseRain()

void Core::Settings::set_HPK_UseRain ( bool  yesno)

◆ setAcisMeshMultiThreating()

void Core::Settings::setAcisMeshMultiThreating ( bool  on)

◆ setAcisMeshShapeEnabled()

void Core::Settings::setAcisMeshShapeEnabled ( bool  )

◆ setAcisPartEnabled()

void Core::Settings::setAcisPartEnabled ( bool  on)

◆ setAcisSaveEntityTextMode()

void Core::Settings::setAcisSaveEntityTextMode ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setAcisVersion()

void Core::Settings::setAcisVersion ( int  major,
int  minor,
int  point 

◆ setAllowMemoryIsLowMsg()

void Core::Settings::setAllowMemoryIsLowMsg ( bool  on)

◆ setAllowMultiViewOnStart()

void Core::Settings::setAllowMultiViewOnStart ( bool  on)

◆ setAlternativeLookupPath()

void Core::Settings::setAlternativeLookupPath ( const Base::String path)

Sets an alternative path to look for dlls and other application files. -> Needed for cadwork pclib.

◆ setBackgroundColor()

void Core::Settings::setBackgroundColor ( const QColor &  color)

◆ setBaubitUser()

void Core::Settings::setBaubitUser ( bool  on)

◆ setBeamBothEndsSame()

void Core::Settings::setBeamBothEndsSame ( bool  on)

◆ setBuildingBlocksDir()

void Core::Settings::setBuildingBlocksDir ( std::string  dir)

◆ setCadworkIntervalOfBackupFiles()

void Core::Settings::setCadworkIntervalOfBackupFiles ( int  value)

◆ setCadworkNumberOfBackupFiles()

void Core::Settings::setCadworkNumberOfBackupFiles ( int  value)

◆ setCadworkStyle()

void Core::Settings::setCadworkStyle ( bool  on)

◆ setCalculateViewprovider()

void Core::Settings::setCalculateViewprovider ( bool  on)

◆ setCatalogType()

void Core::Settings::setCatalogType ( CatalogType  )

◆ setCheckFacetedBrepOnRecompute()

void Core::Settings::setCheckFacetedBrepOnRecompute ( bool  on)

◆ setCheckResultFromPolyToAcisConverter()

void Core::Settings::setCheckResultFromPolyToAcisConverter ( bool  v)

◆ setCheckShapesOnRecompute()

void Core::Settings::setCheckShapesOnRecompute ( bool  on,
int  checkLevel 

◆ setCheckSliverFacesOnRecompute()

void Core::Settings::setCheckSliverFacesOnRecompute ( bool  on)

◆ setCoinShaderMode()

void Core::Settings::setCoinShaderMode ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = true 

◆ setCombinedAcisSaveMode()

void Core::Settings::setCombinedAcisSaveMode ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setConceptionUser()

void Core::Settings::setConceptionUser ( bool  on)

◆ setCreateMiniDumpOnCrash()

void Core::Settings::setCreateMiniDumpOnCrash ( bool  on)

◆ setCurrentScriptFilePath()

void Core::Settings::setCurrentScriptFilePath ( const QString &  path)

◆ setCurrentScriptId()

void Core::Settings::setCurrentScriptId ( const Base::GlobalId aScriptId)

◆ setCurrentScriptInsertionPoint()

void Core::Settings::setCurrentScriptInsertionPoint ( const Geom::Pnt aInsertionPnt,
bool  isDragAndDropped,
Core::DocObject aDroppedOnObject 

◆ setCustomBimTeamOrigin()

void Core::Settings::setCustomBimTeamOrigin ( const QString &  value)

◆ setCutOptions()

void Core::Settings::setCutOptions ( CutOptions  options)

◆ setDebugUser()

void Core::Settings::setDebugUser ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setDeepDebug()

void Core::Settings::setDeepDebug ( bool  on)

◆ setDefaultDoorPreset()

void Core::Settings::setDefaultDoorPreset ( QString  preset)

◆ setDefaultFrenchWindowPreset()

void Core::Settings::setDefaultFrenchWindowPreset ( QString  preset)

◆ setDefaultGarageDoorPreset()

void Core::Settings::setDefaultGarageDoorPreset ( QString  preset)

◆ setDefaultIFCShapeCreationMode()

void Core::Settings::setDefaultIFCShapeCreationMode ( ShapeCreationMode  m)

◆ setDefaultWindowPreset()

void Core::Settings::setDefaultWindowPreset ( QString  preset)

◆ setDisabledCodes()

void Core::Settings::setDisabledCodes ( const std::vector< bool > &  disabledCodes)

◆ setDownloadPdbFiles()

void Core::Settings::setDownloadPdbFiles ( bool  on)

◆ setDrawLocalCoordinateSystem()

void Core::Settings::setDrawLocalCoordinateSystem ( bool  on)

◆ setEnableZBufferPDFHack()

void Core::Settings::setEnableZBufferPDFHack ( bool  on)

◆ setFastRenderBatchMaxVertexCount()

void Core::Settings::setFastRenderBatchMaxVertexCount ( int  )

◆ setFastRenderEnableEdges()

void Core::Settings::setFastRenderEnableEdges ( bool  )

◆ setFastRenderMode()

void Core::Settings::setFastRenderMode ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setForceWoodUser()

void Core::Settings::setForceWoodUser ( bool  on)

◆ setGlobalSecondViewerWireframeDrawStyle()

void Core::Settings::setGlobalSecondViewerWireframeDrawStyle ( bool  on)

◆ setGridPickung()

void Core::Settings::setGridPickung ( bool  on)

◆ setGroundPlateColor()

void Core::Settings::setGroundPlateColor ( const QColor &  color)

◆ setIconsDir()

void Core::Settings::setIconsDir ( std::string  dir)

◆ setIFCFastMode()

void Core::Settings::setIFCFastMode ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setIFCFastMode_ExtrudedAreaSolid()

void Core::Settings::setIFCFastMode_ExtrudedAreaSolid ( bool  on,
bool  persistent 

◆ setIfcImport_ImportAsInventor()

void Core::Settings::setIfcImport_ImportAsInventor ( bool  on,
bool  persistance = true 

◆ setIfcUser()

void Core::Settings::setIfcUser ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setIfcViewerFile()

void Core::Settings::setIfcViewerFile ( QString  a)

◆ setIntervalOfBackupFiles()

void Core::Settings::setIntervalOfBackupFiles ( int  value)

◆ setIVExportSelectedFilter()

void Core::Settings::setIVExportSelectedFilter ( QString  filter)

◆ setLastImportedFilePath()

void Core::Settings::setLastImportedFilePath ( QString  path)

◆ setLazyFacetedBrepShapeForIfcImport()

void Core::Settings::setLazyFacetedBrepShapeForIfcImport ( bool  v)

◆ setLexocadCode()

void Core::Settings::setLexocadCode ( bool  on)

◆ setLODEnabled()

void Core::Settings::setLODEnabled ( bool  on)

◆ setLODMinimalPointCount()

void Core::Settings::setLODMinimalPointCount ( uint64_t  t)

◆ setLogLevel()

void Core::Settings::setLogLevel ( Base::LOGLEVEL  ,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setMacroRecorderActive()

void Core::Settings::setMacroRecorderActive ( bool  on)

◆ setMarkerResolution()

void Core::Settings::setMarkerResolution ( MarkerResolution  )

◆ setMaterialDir()

void Core::Settings::setMaterialDir ( std::string  dir)

◆ setMaterialViewSmallIcons()

void Core::Settings::setMaterialViewSmallIcons ( bool  on)

◆ setMaxRecentFiles()

void Core::Settings::setMaxRecentFiles ( unsigned int  value)

◆ setMeshCaching()

void Core::Settings::setMeshCaching ( bool  on)

◆ setMetalShapeSelectionFlags()

void Core::Settings::setMetalShapeSelectionFlags ( uint64_t  flags)

◆ setModulePreference()

void Core::Settings::setModulePreference ( const QString &  moduleName,
const QString &  key,
const QString &  value 

Sets the preference key and value for a specified Lexocad module. Example: setModulePreference("IfcImport", "preference_ifc_color", "0")

◆ setMultiGeoUngroupMode()

void Core::Settings::setMultiGeoUngroupMode ( bool  on)

◆ setMultisampling()

void Core::Settings::setMultisampling ( bool  on)

◆ setNewSoIndexedFaceSet()

void Core::Settings::setNewSoIndexedFaceSet ( bool  v)

◆ setNewViewProviderUpdate()

void Core::Settings::setNewViewProviderUpdate ( bool  on)

◆ setNewZooming()

void Core::Settings::setNewZooming ( bool  on)

◆ setNumberOfBackupFiles()

void Core::Settings::setNumberOfBackupFiles ( int  count)

◆ setObjExportUnprotected()

void Core::Settings::setObjExportUnprotected ( bool  unprotected)

◆ setOpenBuiltUser()

void Core::Settings::setOpenBuiltUser ( bool  on)

◆ setOpenFileDir()

void Core::Settings::setOpenFileDir ( QString  dir)

◆ setOpenLxVersionString()

void Core::Settings::setOpenLxVersionString ( const QString &  aVersion)

◆ setOpenMaterialDlgSmallIcons()

void Core::Settings::setOpenMaterialDlgSmallIcons ( bool  on)

◆ setOSGMode()

void Core::Settings::setOSGMode ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setPickPointCountMaximum()

void Core::Settings::setPickPointCountMaximum ( uint32_t  r)

◆ setPluginDir()

void Core::Settings::setPluginDir ( const QString &  dir)

◆ setPointCloudChunkSelectionEnabled()

void Core::Settings::setPointCloudChunkSelectionEnabled ( bool  on)

◆ setPointCloudDynamicPointSize()

void Core::Settings::setPointCloudDynamicPointSize ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setPointCloudLODenabled()

void Core::Settings::setPointCloudLODenabled ( bool  on)

◆ setPointCloudMode()

void Core::Settings::setPointCloudMode ( bool  on)

◆ setPointCloudPointPicking()

bool Core::Settings::setPointCloudPointPicking ( bool  on)

◆ setPointCloudPointSelection()

void Core::Settings::setPointCloudPointSelection ( bool  on)

◆ setPointCoarseLOD()

void Core::Settings::setPointCoarseLOD ( bool  on)

◆ setProfiling()

void Core::Settings::setProfiling ( bool  on)

◆ setRayPickRadius()

void Core::Settings::setRayPickRadius ( double  r)

◆ setRealLineThicknessMode()

void Core::Settings::setRealLineThicknessMode ( bool  on)

◆ setRealLineThicknessModeTrsf()

void Core::Settings::setRealLineThicknessModeTrsf ( const Geom::Trsf trsf)

◆ setRenderFacets()

void Core::Settings::setRenderFacets ( bool  on)

◆ setRenderWireframe()

void Core::Settings::setRenderWireframe ( bool  on)

◆ setRotationStepForPropertyView()

void Core::Settings::setRotationStepForPropertyView ( double  value)

◆ setRunningFromLexocad()

void Core::Settings::setRunningFromLexocad ( bool  on)

◆ setSaveDialogGeometryInRegistry()

void Core::Settings::setSaveDialogGeometryInRegistry ( bool  on)

◆ setSaveRestoreIfcModelWithDocument()

void Core::Settings::setSaveRestoreIfcModelWithDocument ( bool  on)

◆ setShapeTessellationQuality()

void Core::Settings::setShapeTessellationQuality ( Core::Settings::ShapeTessellationQuality  quality)

◆ setShowComponentTypeNumber()

void Core::Settings::setShowComponentTypeNumber ( bool  on)

◆ setShowComponentTypeTextures()

void Core::Settings::setShowComponentTypeTextures ( bool  on)

◆ setShowConsole()

void Core::Settings::setShowConsole ( bool  on)

◆ setShowLayerNumber()

void Core::Settings::setShowLayerNumber ( bool  on)

◆ setShowLocalAxisCross()

void Core::Settings::setShowLocalAxisCross ( bool  on)

◆ setShowMeshOrientation()

void Core::Settings::setShowMeshOrientation ( bool  on)

◆ setShowPointCloudInSecondViewer()

void Core::Settings::setShowPointCloudInSecondViewer ( bool  on)

◆ setShowPreviewSurfaceForVerticalView()

void Core::Settings::setShowPreviewSurfaceForVerticalView ( bool  on)

◆ setShowScaleHandles()

void Core::Settings::setShowScaleHandles ( bool  on)

◆ setShowTextures()

void Core::Settings::setShowTextures ( bool  on)

◆ setShowWorldAxisCross()

void Core::Settings::setShowWorldAxisCross ( bool  on)

◆ setSketcherMode()

void Core::Settings::setSketcherMode ( bool  aOn)

◆ setSnapMode()

void Core::Settings::setSnapMode ( SnapMode  )

◆ setSoSeparatorCachingEnabled()

void Core::Settings::setSoSeparatorCachingEnabled ( bool  on)

◆ setSoSeparatorCachingEnabledSpecial()

void Core::Settings::setSoSeparatorCachingEnabledSpecial ( bool  on)

◆ setStandalone()

void Core::Settings::setStandalone ( bool  on)

◆ setStyleSheetName()

void Core::Settings::setStyleSheetName ( const QString &  name)

◆ setSubProductID_IfcUser()

void Core::Settings::setSubProductID_IfcUser ( )

◆ setSubProductID_Plugin()

void Core::Settings::setSubProductID_Plugin ( )

◆ setSubProductID_Standard()

void Core::Settings::setSubProductID_Standard ( )

◆ setTest()

void Core::Settings::setTest ( bool  on)

◆ setTextureOpenFileDir()

void Core::Settings::setTextureOpenFileDir ( QString  dir)

◆ setTexturesAllFaces()

void Core::Settings::setTexturesAllFaces ( bool  on)

◆ setUngroupMode()

void Core::Settings::setUngroupMode ( bool  on)

◆ setUpdateToUnstable()

void Core::Settings::setUpdateToUnstable ( bool  on)

◆ setUserCatalogDir()

void Core::Settings::setUserCatalogDir ( const QString &  dir)

◆ setUserDebugWindowVisible()

void Core::Settings::setUserDebugWindowVisible ( bool  visible)

◆ setUseThreads()

void Core::Settings::setUseThreads ( bool  on,
bool  persistent = false 

◆ setViewAnimation()

void Core::Settings::setViewAnimation ( bool  on)

◆ setViewerGeo()

void Core::Settings::setViewerGeo ( Core::ViewerType  viewerType,
const QSize &  size,
const QPoint &  pos,
bool  maximized 

◆ setVisibilityIconHas3States()

void Core::Settings::setVisibilityIconHas3States ( bool  on)

◆ setWallSolveWarning()

void Core::Settings::setWallSolveWarning ( int  status)

◆ setWithDebugger()

void Core::Settings::setWithDebugger ( bool  on)

◆ showLocalAxisCross()

bool Core::Settings::showLocalAxisCross ( )

◆ showNewVersionMessage()

static bool Core::Settings::showNewVersionMessage ( std::pair< int, int >  appVersionOfOpeningDocument)

◆ showWorldAxisCross()

bool Core::Settings::showWorldAxisCross ( )

◆ test()

bool Core::Settings::test ( ) const

◆ unregisterSettings()

void Core::Settings::unregisterSettings ( )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: