OpenLexocad  27.1
Geom::Mat Member List

This is the complete list of members for Geom::Mat, including all inherited members.

add(const Mat &Other)Geom::Mat
added(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Mat
CA_Transfrom classGeom::Matfriend
changeValue(const int Row, const int Col)Geom::Mat
column(const int Col) constGeom::Mat
computeEulerAngles() constGeom::Mat
determinant() constGeom::Mat
diagonal() constGeom::Mat
divide(const double Scalar)Geom::Mat
divided(const double Scalar) constGeom::Mat
Geom::GTrsf classGeom::Matfriend
gp_GTrsf classGeom::Matfriend
initFromQuaternion(double w, double x, double y, double z)Geom::Mat
inverted() constGeom::Mat
isIdentity() constGeom::Mat
isSingular() constGeom::Mat
Mat(const double a11, const double a12, const double a13, const double a21, const double a22, const double a23, const double a31, const double a32, const double a33)Geom::Mat
Mat(const XYZ &Col1, const XYZ &Col2, const XYZ &Col3)Geom::Mat
multiplied(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Mat
multiplied(const double Scalar) constGeom::Mat
multiply(const Mat &Other)Geom::Mat
multiply(const double Scalar)Geom::Mat
operator *(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Matinline
operator *(const double Scalar) constGeom::Matinline
operator *=(const Mat &Other)Geom::Matinline
operator *=(const double Scalar)Geom::Matinline
operator!=(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Matinline
operator()(const int Row, const int Col) constGeom::Matinline
operator()(const int Row, const int Col)Geom::Matinline
operator+(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Matinline
operator+=(const Mat &Other)Geom::Matinline
operator-(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Matinline
operator-=(const Mat &Other)Geom::Matinline
operator/(const double Scalar) constGeom::Matinline
operator/=(const double Scalar)Geom::Matinline
operator==(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Mat
power(const int N)Geom::Mat
powered(const int N) constGeom::Mat
preMultiply(const Mat &Other)Geom::Mat
row(const int Row) constGeom::Mat
setCol(const int Col, const XYZ &Value)Geom::Mat
setCols(const XYZ &Col1, const XYZ &Col2, const XYZ &Col3)Geom::Mat
setCross(const XYZ &Ref)Geom::Mat
setDiagonal(const double X1, const double X2, const double X3)Geom::Mat
setDot(const XYZ &Ref)Geom::Mat
setRotation(const XYZ &Axis, const double Ang)Geom::Mat
setRow(const int Row, const XYZ &Value)Geom::Mat
setRows(const XYZ &Row1, const XYZ &Row2, const XYZ &Row3)Geom::Mat
setScale(const double S)Geom::Mat
setValue(const int Row, const int Col, const double Value)Geom::Mat
subtract(const Mat &Other)Geom::Mat
subtracted(const Mat &Other) constGeom::Mat
toQuaternion(double &w, double &x, double &y, double &z)Geom::Mat
transposed() constGeom::Mat
value(const int Row, const int Col) constGeom::Mat
XYZ classGeom::Matfriend