h83tqx posted an update 6 years ago
Rare earth permanent magnetic material is samarium, neodymium with a mixed rare earth transition metal (such as cobalt, iron, etc.) composition of the alloy, powder metallurgy method-pressure sintering a magnetic material.
Samarium Cobalt rare earth permanent magnet points (SmCo) permanent magnet and neodymium (NdFeB) permanent magnets. SmCo magnet which magnetic energy product among 15–30MGOe, a NdFeB magnet magnetic energy product among 27–50MGOe, known as “the permanent King”, is the highest permanent magnetic material.
Become a rare earth permanent magnet materials electronic communication technology is an important material used in satellites, radar traveling wave tubes, circulators and micro-motors, micro recorders, aviation equipment, electronic watches, seismographs and other electronic equipment on. A rare earth permanent magnet applications penetrate into automobiles, household appliances, electronic instruments, magnetic resonance imaging, medical and audio equipment, micro motor, mobile phones and so on. In
Grade Br mT
(KGs) HcB KA/m
(KOe) HcJ KA/m
(KOe) (BH)max KJ/m3
(MGOe) TW(?)
N35 1180(11.8) 1230(12.1) 868(10.9) 955(12) 263(33) 278(35) 80
N38 1230(12.3) 1250(12.5) 899(11.3) 955(12) 287(36) 295(37) 80
N40 1270(12.7) 1280(12.8) 923(11.6) 955(12) 303(38) 310(39) 80
N42 1290(12.9) 1310(13.1) 923(11.6) 955(12) 318(40) 326(41) 80
N45 1330(13.3) 1350(13.5) 876(11.0) 955(12) 342(43) 350(44) 80
N48 1360(13.6) 1380(13.8) 836(10.5) 955(12) 366(46) 374(47) 80
N50 1410(14.1) 1420(14.2) 860(10.8) 876(11) 374(47) 390(49) 70
N52 1430(14.3) 1440(14.4) 836(10.8) 876(11.0) 390(49) 406(51) 70
30M 1080(10.8) 1140(11.4) 796(10) 1114(14) 223(28) 246(31)
33M 1130(11.3) 1150(11.5) 836(10.5) 1114(14) 247(31) 255(32)
35M 1180(11.8) 1200(12.0) 868(10.9) 1114(14) 263(33) 271(34)
38M 1230(12.3) 1250(12.5) 899(11.3) 1114(14) 287(36) 295(37)
40M 1270(12.7) 1280(12.8) 923(11.6) 1114(14) 303(38) 310(39)
42M 1290(12.9) 1310(13.1) 955(12.0) 1114(14) 318(40) 326(41)
45M 1330(13.3) 1350(13.5) 995(12.5) 1114(14) 342(43) 350(44)
48M 1360(13.6) 1380(13.8) 1027(12.9) 1114(14) 358(45) 374(47)
50M 1410(14.1) 1420(14.2) 1050(13.2) 1114(14) 374(47) 390(49)
30H 1080(10.8) 1100(11.0) 796(10) 1353(17) 223(28) 239(30)
33H 113011.3) 1150(11.5) 836(10.5) 1353(17) 247(31) 255(32)
35H 1180(11.8) 1200(12.0) 868(10.9) 1353(17) 263(33) 271(34)
38H 1230(12.3) 1250(12.5) 899(11.3) 1353(17) 287(36) 295(37)
40H 1270(12.7) 1280(12.8) 923(11.6) 1353(17) 303(38) 310(39)
42H 1290(12.9) 1310(13.1) 955(12.0) 1353(17) 318(40) 326(41)
45H 1330(13.3) 1340(13.4) 995(12.5) 1353(16) 342(43) 350(44)
48H 1360(13.6) 1380(13.8) 1027(12.9) 1353(16) 358(45) 366(46)
28SH 1050(10.5) 1080(10.8) 764(9.6) 1592(20) 207(26) 215(27)
30SH 1080(10.8) 1100(11.0) 804(10.1) 1592(20) 223(28) 239(30)
33SH 1130(11.3) 1150(11.5) 844(10.6) 1592(20) 247(31) 255(32)
35SH 1180(11.8) 1200(12.0) 876(11.0) 1592(20) 263(33) 271(34)
38SH 1230(12.3) 1250(12.5) 907(11.4) 1592(20) 287(36) 295(37)
40SH 1270(12.7) 1280(12.8) 939(11.8) 1592(20) 303(38) 310(39)
42SH 1290(12.9) 1310(13.1) 955(12.0) 1592(20) 318(40) 326(41)
45SH 1320(13.2) 1340(13.4) 995(12.5) 1592(20) 334(42) 342(43)
28UH 1050(10.5) 1080(10.8) 764(9.6) 1990(25) 207(26) 223(28)
30UH 1080(10.8) 1100(11.0) 812(10.2) 1990(25) 223(28) 239(30)
33UH 1130(11.3) 1150(11.5) 852(10.7) 1990(25) 247(31) 255(32)
35UH 1180(11.8) 1200(12.0) 860(10.8) 1990(25) 263(33) 271(34)
38UH 1230(12.3) 1250(12.5) 907(11.4) 1990(25) 287(36) 295(37)
40UH 1260(12.6) 1270(12.7) 923(11.6) 1990(25) 303(38) 310(39)
42UH 1290(12.9) 1310(13.1) 923(11.6) 1990(25) 318(40) 326(41)
28EH 1050(10.5) 1080(10.8) 764(9.6) 2388(30) 207(26) 223(28)
30EH 1080(10.8) 1100(11.0) 812(10.2) 2388(30) 223(28) 239(30)
33EH 1130(11.3) 1150(11.5) 812(10.2) 2388(30) 247(31) 255(32)
35EH 1180(11.8) 1200(12.0) 812(10.2) 2388(30) 263(33) 271(34)
38EH 1230(12.3) 1250(12.5) 868(10.9) 2388(30) 287(36) 295(37)
30TH 1080(10.8) 1100(11.0) 812(10.2) 2627(33) 223(28) 239(30)
33TH 1130(11.3) 1150(11.5) 812(10.2) 2627(33) 247(31) 255(32)
Magnetic Properties of NdFeB Magnets strong magnets