This script shows how to translate (move) an Element. Translations can be done in the local space of the Element (LCS – Local Coordinate System) or in the global space of the scene (WCS- World Coordinate System

import Geom
import OpenLxApp as lx
import OpenLxUI as ui

app = lx.Application.getInstance()
doc = app.getActiveDocument()

# Creating first Block.
block1 = lx.Block.createIn(doc)
elem1 = lx.Element.createIn(doc)

origin1 = Geom.Pnt(0, 0, 0)
zDir1 = Geom.Dir(0, 0, 1)
xDir1 = Geom.Dir(1, 1, 0) # This rotates the Block 45 deg. around the Z-Axis

axis1 = Geom.Ax2(origin1, zDir1, xDir1)

# Creating second Block.
block2 = lx.Block.createIn(doc)
elem2 = lx.Element.createIn(doc)

origin2 = Geom.Pnt(0, 0, 0)
zDir2 = Geom.Dir(0, 0, 1)
xDir2 = Geom.Dir(1, 0, 0)

axis2 = Geom.Ax2(origin2, zDir2, xDir2)

# An element can be translated from its actual position, according to a vector
# and its local coordinates system (LCS) or the world coordinate system (WCS).
x = 5; y = 0; z = 0;
translation = Geom.Vec(x, y, z) # Defining a translation of 5 along X-Axis.
elem1.translate(translation, Geom.CoordSpace_LCS) # Translating first Block (LCS)
elem2.translate(translation, Geom.CoordSpace_WCS) # Translating second Block (WCS)

# See the difference...

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